Neuse Quilters Guild Meeting
September 14, 2011
The September meeting of the Neuse Quilters Guild began with the installation of officers conducted by Susan Fields. The following officers were then inducted into office.
Historian – Barbara Jenkins
Treasurer – Marie Stokes
Secretary – Susan Fields
Vice President - Lorena Bunn
President – Kathy Duke
President Kathy Duke then called the meeting to order and asked the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting. They were read and accepted without correction.
The treasurer’s report for May through August was given by Marie Stokes.
The balance forward was $2,871.58
Expenses included $645.00 on May 4th as a donation to the Arts Council, $40.00 on May 25th for the Lasagna Quilt Workshop, $77.00 on June 7th for the Guild Pin giving a total expenditure of $862.00. That leaves a balance of $2009.58.
Marie reported that she will check on interest the $4,000.00 CD has earned.
There was some discussion about a line in the Kaleidoscope stating the amount given to the Arts Council by the Guild. A copy was obtained and after reading it to the members it was agreed that the Kaleidoscope was correct but that it had not mentioned the donation given to the Arts Council in May.
Kathy gave the date of the Twin Rivers Day of Sharing as October 15th. There is a fee of $6.00. She also reminded us to bring something to show at the Day of Sharing.
Norma Daniels is in charge of the Block of the Quarter. She was unable to attend so Lorena Bunn shared the information with the Guild. The Block is the Maple Leaf. Norma will cut the background fabric for each block. The background fabric selected is Kona Khaki. The price of each block is not known at this time. We were reminded to return our blocks in the plastic bag so that we can recycle them. After a lively discussion the date of November 9th was agreed to be the date the blocks are due. A sign up was made available to all members.
Lorena Bunn reported that we have donated 20 pillowcases and 3 blankets to Riley’s Army. She shared that the new wing of the hospital in Greenville is under way now for children with cancer. This was also a good time to bring to everyone’s attention that we are asked to make two quilts each year for charity and to let Lorena know when we have finished one so that she can keep accurate records.
The date of the Christmas party at Kinston Country Club will be on December 14th. The final menu will be provided at a later meeting.
Jane Schlier reported that the guild pins had arrived and that one will be given to each member when their dues are paid.
After much discussion Rosie Simmons made a motion that we sell the remaining pins to those interested for $5.00 each. Carol Ann Burns seconded the motion and the motion was carried.
Janice Gaskill reported on the Pictorial Album. She has gotten the best price for printing from Corporate Resources but she and her committee are asking for volunteers to help with the pictures and biographies for the book.
The Sunshine report was given by Pat Forrest. She shared that Roenell was continuing to improve after her surgery.
Kathy Tucker told us about the upcoming Carolina Stash Dash. The van will be leaving on Thursday morning, September 15th for Raleigh and parts west. There is still a space available on the van. If anyone is interested see Kathy after the meeting.
A motion was made by Marie Stokes to adjourn. It was seconded by Barbara Jenkins.
Respectfully submitted, Susan Fields, Secretary.
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